Year 2 have had a fantastic first half term travelling back in time to 1912. We first used our inference skills in our History Mystery to work out what we will be learning about- The Titanic!
We have been superb historians, finding out the different possible causes for the sinking of the ‘unsinkable ship’ and discussing which causes we think may have had the biggest impact. We also explored a range of sources of evidence and began to think about what makes a source of evidence reliable, learning vocabulary such as ‘bias’ and ‘first hand’.
We enjoyed finding out about key people onboard the ship and what life was like for the crew and those onboard each class. Throughout the half term we created beautiful Titanic artwork and finally celebrated the end of our topic with an epic ‘Titanic Day!’ The children all looked fantastic and enjoyed tasting food that was served onboard, creating their own cabins and getting into character.

We cannot wait to begin all the fabulous fun and wonderful work we get up to this half term! Well done Year 2!