Hello Year 3!
We hope you enjoyed researching and finding out about our local area. We hope you’ve also had the chance to explore Google Maps and plot different routes. We’re now going to organise our blog so you can see what you would be doing each day in school if you were in.
Here are the videos for Chapter 10 and 11 of The Land of Roar. We hope you are enjoying this book and if you would like to read a chapter to be put online then please contact us and we will happily make this happen!
The Great Kapok Tree
This week our literacy work will be based on a book called The Great Kapok Tree which is set in the Amazon Rain Forest!

Lesson 1 (Monday)
Watch the video via the weblink and see if you can answer the questions using the worksheet.
Lesson 2 (Tuesday)
Watch the video and see if you can complete the task based on dilemmas.
Lesson 3 (Wednesday)
Complete the worksheet based on verbs once you have watched the video.
Lesson 4 (Thursday)
This activity is based on persuasive features. Watch the video and try to complete the worksheet.
Lesson 5 (Friday)
Can you think of your own similes?

This week we will continue to look at fractions. There are four lessons that each have a downloadable worksheet. The accompanying videos for each lesson can be found via the weblink below or by downloading the video weblink document.
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
This week let’s spend some time recapping on our addition and subtraction mental maths. Please have a go at some of these website games.
Could you recap yourselves on the methods we use following these videos? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy2mn39
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems:

1. There are 167 books in one classroom and 392 books in the other. How many books are there altogether in both classrooms?
2. Jay has a collection of 263 football cards. His brother has 189. How many more football cards does Jay have?
3. A family drive 289km from Canberra to Sydney, and then 149km on to Newcastle. How far did they travel altogether?
4. A cricket team score 456 in the first innings and 249 in the second innings. How many runs did they score altogether?
Challenge: Create your own word addition and subtraction word problems!
If you fancy some other online activities, then try this website.
We would now like to look at developing our knowledge of the United Kingdom. Your first challenge is to try and locate the city name of the pin on this map.

Now, try and locate these cities on the attached worksheet. You could use Google Maps or an atlas at home if you have one.
There is also a bonus map that shows some physical and human features. For examples, mountains and castles. As a challenge, can you find any other famous physical or human features in the UK?

Go on a journey around the UK cities! Where will you start? Describe the compass direction you will need to visit your next city. Can you try and visit one city in all four of the countries of the UK? Here are some games to help you learn your compass points.
Fun Activities:
Here is an aerial view of Gosforth and an Ordnance Survey Map. What can you find on these maps? Could you try and spot any human features on this map? Can you find any other local maps? If you visit somewhere, perhaps you could look at the map and see how you got there! Remember to share your trips out in the North East with us.

HISTORY (Tuesday)
- Which important road used to run through Gosforth high street?
- What can you find out about the different types of houses we have in Gosforth? When were they built? How are they different?
History Links
Using your inference skills and historian skills, look at these photographs. Which street is it? What can you see that is different? Which is the oldest picture? How do you know? What else can you find out about the history of Gosforth or the history of your house?

What do the pictures show us?

Now use the information and photos from the weblink below about Gosforth. Can you find five ways that Gosforth was different in the past to now? You can write down facts, draw pictures or even record a video explaining what you found out!
ART (Wednesday)

We would now like you to have a go at recreating the work of John Coatsworth and using the curvation technique. Attached is a step by step diagram to show you how to draw the picture. Perhaps you could use crayons, water colours or pencils to colour in. You could also experiment with adding shading to show the Angel’s shadow. https://bridekirkfineart.co.uk/john-coatsworth-artist
PSHE (Thursday)
Every day it’s possible to feel lots of different emotions. Could you try and create your own post its to show how you feel in different situations. What do you think all these emotions or feelings could be? How can we try and change our feelings or perhaps turn your post it the other way round? Could you create your own post it worry monster? Every time you feel differently, you could talk about your feelings with someone and using your post it change the feelings of your worry monster?
Here are some pictures to give you an idea. On the back you could write the emotion and get a family member to guess what it is. You could also write or discuss what makes you feel this way.

SCIENCE (Friday)
A light source is something that makes light. For example, a candle is a light source but a football is not a light source. A TV is also a light source but an apple is not a light source.
Look around your house, how many light sources can you find? Write a list or draw a picture of all the light sources you have spotted! Who in Year 3 will be able to find the most?

Which of these sources of light is the odd one out? Why? Try to think of as many reasons for each light source as you can. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer!

We continue to miss you all every day and are very proud of everything you are doing. When you share the hard work and fun activities that you have been doing at home on the Archibald Twitter and Facebook it always puts a smile on all of our faces! Keep up the brilliant work and we can’t wait to see you again! Lots of love from the Year 3 Team x