Statutory Information
Our School
Situated in the heart of Gosforth, Archibald First School is part of the Gosforth Pyramid Family of schools and the Gosforth School’s Trust. This enables all the schools to work collaboratively whilst maintaining our individual qualities to ensure that our pupils get the best possible education which we can offer.
Archibald First School is a two form entry school with a Nursery as part of our Early Years Unit. The classes are single age classes with a designated teacher each and at least one shared teaching assistant across the year group.
In addition to our classrooms, we have a computing suite, two large halls, a library and additional group teaching spaces. The school also has large play areas which include a quiet area, large grassed area with climbing equipment and a wildlife garden with school pond.
There is on-site out of hours childcare which is available before and after school – this is two independently run organisations called Ladybird’s Breakfast Club and School’s Out. School also works with Captain Teds After School Club. More information can be found here
Pupils from Archibald usually transfer to schools within the Gosforth Pyramid. Further information on the Gosforth Schools Trust can be found here.
School opens at 8.45 am
Registration at 8.55 am
Morning break 11.00 – 11.15 am
Lunch (Nursery and Reception) 11.30 – 12.30 pm
Lunch (KS1/2) 12.15 – 1.15 pm
School ends at 3.15 pm
Option 1
Monday and Tuesday 8.45 am – 3.15 pm
Wednesday 8.45 am – 11.30 am
Option 2
Wednesday 12.30 pm – 3.15 pm
Thursday and Friday 8.45 am – 3.15 pm
Option 3
Monday to Friday 8.45 am-3.15 pm